Thursday, 8 April 2010


7th April

Hey people, welcome to your virtual "catch up on Top of the morning with Tosyn Bucknor if you missed the show" Package! (lol I know that was a mouthful) So how are you today? hope all's well....... Here is everything that occurred on the show today... if you missed it. On the Area show today our ardent listeners called in with information about their neighbourhood and in exchange they got to request for any song of their choice to be played.

After which we asked you two simple questions about Coca-Cola which are: what is the slogan/pay off line for the Coca-Cola advert on football? and do you know at least three countries out of the seven countries that have won the world cup so far? We had two lucky winners who once again claimed our tickets to The Coca-Cola party taking place on Saturday at Ocean View restaurant.

Right after that, DJ GQ dished out great music for everyone to get down and shake their bodies and then our guest arrived!! Yes! Just as we do every Wednesday, we had a guest artiste in person of the one and only cross over king ALARIWO OF AFRICA!!!!!!! Everyone was excited to have him around and questions like where have you been? What does Alariwo mean? What have you been up to? And many others were crashing our phone lines and face book pages!

Typically, our down to earth Alariwo patiently answered all the questions and shared with us what his real personality is like... it was fun having him around plus we played his songs for the listening pleasure of all and sundry... finally the show came to an end but not without Alariwo giving us a proverb in his language (He happens to be from Delta state). Make it a date with Tosyn Bucknor on the show tomorrow the mean time i would like to sign out now.......yes please, thank
I remain faithfully yours,
Naomi (The cute intern on Top radio).wink!



Top of the morning to you folks and it is with great pleasure i welcome you to the Top of the morning show (Well, the catch up on the hot dail 90.9! Yup! its good to have you read this; i hope you were a part of todays shows..if you weren't.....duh? what were you doing? well, my kind nature will always previal on the sacastic side of me (lol) so all the juicy tit bits that you missed from the show will be brought to you by my humble self...yeah, yeah you are welcome.

AAAAAARRRRRRRREEEEEEEAAAAA!!!!! sounds familiar doesn't it? yup! it sure does, because that's what starts the show every day. Usually we had a whole lot of contributions via sms, facebook and phone calls; people telling us about their and traffic reports. The contributors had the chance to request for a songs of their choice to be played for them which we obliged...aren't we sweet at Top radio? lol

We then took you down memery lane; dishing out old songs that rocked the nineties and early two thousand. We know you felt nostalgic....but then thats the whole idea of today's show. Next we had the Top nine moments powered by Supermide! and ooooo she had a lot to tell us from sports entertainment and other randoms. I would say that Top nine moments is a delightful package of infotainment....belive me!

Tosyn then brought you the Stock market and weather report for the day which paved way for all our ardent listeners to sing their story! and sing they did! with all sorts of "Angelic voices" (lol, there i go again puting those two words in qoute...wink!) we then had a little talk on the Super Eagle's official drink Cocacola. We asked series of questions because we wnted to give out tickets to THE PARTY! and we found a lucky winner in wallintong; congratulations to him.

SLK's Darling our song of the week hit the air waves right after that and then we played you some more old school music....great ones, then (sadly...sob) the show had to come to an end. But the good thi9ng is (Like Banky W would say)....tomorrow, we will do it all over again! cheers!
Yours faithfully,
Naomi (The cute intern on Top Radio...wink!)

Tuesday, 6 April 2010


Wake up joo! have you forgotten its the beginning of another beautiful week? lol. I know you want snuggle deeper under covers and i al;so know you hate Mondays but i know a little secrete that would spice and brighten up your Monday morning...... TOP OF THE MORNING WITH TOSIN BUCKNOR!

Well if you missed today's show that's your loss! i sound sarcastic abi? OK OK, ill give you a down load of the juicy segments that you missed. Typically the show kicked off with Arrrrrreeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! lots of people had a lot to say about their area/neighborhood giving us weather and traffic reports from their area..........of course not without the password AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol.

Right after that came the "You Say" segment and usually, the people wanted to say what was on their minds and they did! I say- Lagos carnival rocked! what do you say? you have the opportunity to say what6 ever it sis that you feel like on the programme tomorrow so, make sure you are a part of it!

The Coca cola company, official soft drink of the super Eagles, was generous enough to give us tickets to their big bash taking place at the ocean view restaurant, and we were in turn, generous enough to give them to you......our ardent that's what came up next after you say! We asked you to call us and mention at least three countries out of the seven that have won the world cup over the years in exchange for our ticket and guess what? our first caller was the lucky winner..........i hear there is gonna be a performance by M.I Banky W, Eldee and other notable DJs...congratulations to our winner.

Next up came the Top nine moments with Supermide, giving us juicy gists on sports, Whitney's illness......... and so much more. Tosyn then gave you the weather report straight from our weather man giving way for our song of the week SLKs Darling.....pretty nice song if you ask me. The show ended thirty minutes earlier than usual signing out with Sound Sultan's 2010 this was to give way to the thirty minutes flava show which comes up every Monday,,,,,,,,,,phew, i hope i covered all areas of the show for you, its really not an easy task considering the fact that my fingers feel like carrot sticks now, due to too much typing lol But you know i will always go the extra mile to bring you what you missed on Top of the morning show with Tosyn...have a swell day and don't forget to stay on Top!
Your faithfully,
Naomi..the cute intern on Top radio..Wink!

Thursday, 1 April 2010


Thursday 1st of April.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRea! (I hope you didn't just read that normally! i hope you screamed it for all your life is worth!) Lol. yes oh! I'm back again today. Why did you miss Top of the morning show today eh? because I'm sure you won't be reading this if you were a part of it! Anyway, that's why I'm here, to help you catch up. Today on the area show, we gave you information from different parts of Lagos and even the country with the help of our dear ardent listeners. contributions were pouring in from the phone lines, through sms's and from face book, of course not without the password AAAARRRRRRRRea!!!

we then had the Proverbs segment where listeners got to say proverbs in their mother tongue, translate it and then apply it to reality. We had a lot of contributions consisting of proverbs in different languages; Yoruba, Edo, Ijebu e.t.c and it was indeed very educative as we learnt a lot from those wise words. Next we had the song of the week Mary.J.Blige's Each tear, telling us each tear we shed makes us stronger.

The Sing your story segment came right after the Proverbs and need to have heard "Angelic voices" telling their stories in different songs! (Do not wonder why those two words are in quotes) lol. We had a great time. Supermide breezed in to give you the Top nine moments and boy, was it juicy; with sports, entertainment and other randoms. Tosyn then gave the weather report and she told us a Little about how April fools day came into existence.

Well, it was said that the first of April used to be the day new year was marked but when it was changed to the first of January, some people either due to ignorance or stubbornness still thought new years day was on the fist of April and so other people used to make fun of them and play tricks on them till it became so popular and hence, APRIL FOOL'S DAY!! But the wise people are always on TOP! And so my fellow wise men, it's a wrap make sure you do not Miss the show tomorrow!........if you are going to fool anybody today i suggest you keep it moderate and know were to draw the line OK? cheers......... NAOMI (The cute intern on Top Radio) wink!


Wednesday,31st of March.

When we envisage what a wonderful day is going to be like, I'm sure most of us picture waking up at the "right side" of the bed to the sun warmly shinning in......and we are like "wow do i smell eggs and toast for breakfast?". And then for the rest of the day, we come across no stress, hassles or anything to upset us and we can conclude it s wonderful day.well, today wasn't like that! First, the show kicked off late because of power issues; our two generator sets tried to revolt by giving us quick notice at the same time! can you imagine that? well the end result of that is that, Top radio had to go off air for a while (Sob)!

But guess what? we came right back! (I guess this is the part were i get to sing my story and and I'm singing Danny Young's "oju ti tiwon" for the enemies/haters who didn't want us on air). So we couldn't interview our guest for the day and we couldn't take too many calls but we sure gave it our best shot and we had fun! Playing good music, reading your messages on phone and face book.

We had a full house too. some students under media production training came to pay us a visit on the Top of the morning show. They spiced up the show with their happy laughter and excitement and I'm sure our listeners were happy to have them on the show. Everything went normally according to our daily pattern.......Area, You say, song of the week, Top nine moments, The weather report......... the only difference is that we had a shorter time frame than usual but hey we cant say our Wednesday wasn't wonderful because of that! It was wonderful and we happily look forward to more wonderful days ahead! cheers.

NAOMI (The cute intern on Top radio) lol, wink!